URL PRESENTS MURDA MOOK VS TAY ROC SATURDAY OCTOBER 31ST 8PM EST LIVE & FOR FREE ON CAFFEINE https://caf.tv/urltv DOWNLOAD THE APP NOW & MARK THE DATE. DANNY MYERS VS JERRY WESS B-DOT VS HOLMZIE DA GOD LOSO VS EMERSON KENNEDY FOLLOW THE MOVEMENT ⇩ @URLTV @SMACKWHITE @BEASLEYNYC @RAIN910 @PEPILAPUGH @RAPBATTLECAST @BELIKEIKE @NUNU_NELLZ @WEGOHARDTV WATCH MORE FROM URL: Latest Battles - http://bit.ly/URLLatest Best of URL - http://bit.ly/BestOfURL Smack Vol. 3 - http://bit.ly/SmackVol3 Summer Madness 7 - http://bit.ly/SummerMadness7 About Ultimate Rap League URLTV, also known as Ultimate Rap League is the home of smack URL on YouTube and the world’s largest platform for the MC Battle Culture. You’ll find URL Rap Battles vs Tay Roc, Tsu Surf, Chess, Charlie Clips, Brizz Rawsteen, Rum Nitty, and many more! Subscribe for more URL Rap Battles in 2019!
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