iPhone 15 Pro Max loses to Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra in drop test
We got a look at our first drop test with the iPhone 15 Pro on the day it launched with the results in that instance showing a less durable device than the iPhone 14 Pro.
Now we’ve got another drop test with the new titanium iPhone 15 Pro Max going up against the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. Here’s what happened.
This second drop test comes from PhoneBuff who conducts the tests in a controlled manner – using machines set at the exact same distances and the same materials that the phones are dropping onto.
The two flagship smartphones went through four rounds of drops including a back drop, corner drop, face drop, and a bonus round with it dropping onto steel.
While it was relatively close, the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra took less damage than the iPhone 15 Pro Max in three of the four rounds. The final score gave the S23 Ultra 39 out of 40 while the iPhone 15 Pro Max earned 37.
The iPhone 15 Pro Max saw the back and front glass crack on the first drops while the titanium was more resilient for the corner drop than the aluminum of the S23 Ultra.
In the end, both smartphones were fully operational including the cameras, which is good to see. However, the iPhone 15 Pro Max seems to walk away with more damage than some of its predecessors made with steel frames.